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Swiss-Hungarian Cooperation Programme (Period I.)

The European Union and Switzerland signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 27 February 2006, according to which Switzerland provided 1 billion Swiss Francs contribution to the 10 Member States joined the EU in 2004 in order to reduce economic and social disparities within the enlarged European Union. Hungary received a grant totalled a gross amount of 130 million Swiss Francs, taking the third place in the ranking list of the supported countries.

The Swiss Contribution was aimed at reducing social and economic disparities within Hungary and supporting the general convergence efforts of underdeveloped areas. During the Programme a total of 32 individual projects, 2 block grants, 1 Swiss scholarship programme, and 1 venture capital fund were supported and implemented.

The SZPO currently performs the intermediate body level follow-up tasks of the first period of the Swiss-Hungarian Cooperation Programme.

Description of the programme in Hungarian and in English (downloadable):

Swiss-Hungarian Cooperation Programme (PDF)