The overall aim of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENI CBC Programme 2014-2020 - as a continuation of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI CBC Programme 2007-2013 - is the promotion of activities with the support of the European Union, which will result in a much more intensive and effective social and economic cooperation in the common border regions of Ukraine and the Member States. In the 2014-2020 programming period, the Programme supports cross-border cooperation projects in the Hungarian-Slovak-Romanian-Ukrainian border region in amount of nearly 74 million euros. The total budget of the Programme is 81.3 million euros.
At least one Ukrainian and one Member State organization (Hungarian, Slovak or Romanian) from the eligible programme area should participate in a submitted application or in the implementation of a supported project. Maximum 90% of the total eligible costs of a supported project may be financed from ENI funds.
The Programme has the following thematic objectives and priorities:
Promotion of local culture and preservation of historical heritage (Thematic Objective 3)
Priority 1: Promoting local culture and historical heritage along with tourism functions.
Environmental protection, climate change mitigation and adaptation (Thematic Objective 6)
Priority 1: Sustainable use of the environment in the cross border area - preservation of natural resources, actions to reduce GHG emission and pollution of rivers.
Improvement of accessibility to the regions, development of sustainable and climate-proof transport and communication networks and systems (Thematic Objective 7)
Priority 1: Development of transport infrastructure to improve the mobility of persons and goods
Common challenges in the field of safety and security (Thematic Objective 8)
Priority 1: Support to joint activities for the prevention of natural and man-made disasters as well as joint action during emergency situations
Priority 2: Support to the development of health
Participating countries of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENI Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 include EU Member States of Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Ukraine as Partner Country. The programme area includes the core regions and adjoining regions.
The following 7 territorial units are included in the programme area as core regions:
The following regions are participating in the implementation of the programme as adjoining regions:
In frame of three open Calls for proposals of the Programme, all available resources have been awarded. The first Call aimed at large infrastructure investments of strategic importance. In the second and third Calls, ‘regular’ projects have been selected. The Programme provides financial contribution to a total of 79 cross-border projects, with a total of 277 beneficiary organizations being supported.
The database of awarded projects is available on the Programme website at:
In 2019, the Participating Countries started planning for the next (2021-2027) programming period. Achieved milestones of the planning exercise are detailed at: